Gunnar Morling

Gunnar Morling

Random Musings on All Things Software Engineering

Gunnar Morling

Gunnar Morling

Random Musings on All Things Software Engineering

Recent posts

Apr 21, 2020

Plug-in Architectures With Layrry and the Java Module System

Making applications extensible with some form of plug-ins is a very common pattern in software design: based on well-defined APIs provided by the application core, plug-ins can customize an application’s behavior and provide new functionality. Examples include desktop applications like IDEs or web browsers, build tools such as Apache Maven or Gradle, as well as server-side applications such as Apache Kafka Connect, a runtime for Kafka connectors plug-ins. In this post I’m going to explore how the Java Platform Module System's notion of module layers can be leveraged for implementing plug-in architectures on the JVM. We’ll also discuss how Layrry, a launcher and runtime for layered Java applications, can help with this task.


Mar 29, 2020

Introducing Layrry: A Launcher and API for Modularized Java Applications

One of the biggest changes in recent Java versions has been the introduction of the module system in Java 9. It allows to organize Java applications and their dependencies in strongly encapsulated modules, utilizing explicit and well-defined module APIs and relationships. In this post I’m going to introduce the Layrry open-source project, a launcher and Java API for executing modularized Java applications. Layrry helps Java developers to assemble modularized applications from dependencies using their Maven coordinates and execute them using module layers. Layers go beyond the capabilities of the "flat" module path specified via the --module-path parameter of the java command, e.g. allowing to use multiple versions of one module within one and the same application.


Mar 16, 2020

Reworking Git Branches with git filter-branch

Within Debezium, the project I’m working on at Red Hat, we recently encountered an "interesting" situation where we had to resolve a rather difficult merge conflict. As others where interested in how we addressed the issue, and also for our own future reference, I’m going to give a quick run down of the problem we encountered and how we solved it.


Jan 29, 2020

Monitoring REST APIs with Custom JDK Flight Recorder Events

The JDK Flight Recorder (JFR) is an invaluable tool for gaining deep insights into the performance characteristics of Java applications. Open-sourced in JDK 11, JFR provides a low-overhead framework for collecting events from Java applications, the JVM and the operating system. In this blog post we’re going to explore how custom, application-specific JFR events can be used to monitor a REST API, allowing to track request counts, identify long-running requests and more. We’ll also discuss how the JFR Event Streaming API new in Java 14 can be used to export live events, making them available for monitoring and alerting via tools such as Prometheus and Grafana.


Jan 20, 2020

Enforcing Java Record Invariants With Bean Validation

Record types are one of the most awaited features in Java 14; they promise to "provide a compact syntax for declaring classes which are transparent holders for shallowly immutable data". One example where records should be beneficial are data transfer objects (DTOs), as e.g. found in the remoting layer of enterprise applications. Typically, certain rules should be applied to the attributes of such DTO, e.g. in terms of allowed values. The goal of this blog post is to explore how such invariants can be enforced on record types, using annotation-based constraints as provided by the Bean Validation API.


Jan 13, 2020

Using Java 13 Text Blocks (Only) for Your Tests

When Java 9 was introduced in 2017, it was the last major version published under the old release scheme. Since then, a six month release cadence has been adopted. This means developers don’t have to wait years for new APIs and language features, but they can get their hands onto the latest additions twice a year. In this post I’d like to describe how you can try out new language features such as Java 13 text blocks in the test code of your project, while keeping your main code still compatible with older Java versions.


Jan 3, 2020

Quarkus Qute – A Test Ride

One of the long-awaited features in Quarkus was support for server-side templating: until recently, Quarkus supported only client-side web frameworks which obtain there data by calling a REST API on the backend. This has changed with Quarkus 1.1: it comes with a brand-new template engine named Qute, which allows to build web applications using server-side templates.


Dec 26, 2019

Automatically Deploying a Hugo Website via GitHub Actions

As a software engineer, I like to automate tedious tasks as much as possible. The deployment of this website is no exception: it is built using the Hugo static site generator and hosted on GitHub Pages; so wouldn’t it be nice if the rendered website would automatically be published whenever an update is pushed to its source code repository?


Dec 26, 2019

Time for a New Blog

It has been quite a while since the last post on my old personal blog; since then, I’ve mostly focused on writing about my day-work on the Debezium blog as well as some posts about more general technical topics on the Hibernate team blog.